
The book is a valuable tool to identify and remedy factors leading to hazardous and costly medical decision errors.

Features of the book are
— Experimental evidence showing how specific influences lead to bad medical decisions
— Effective identification tools for flawed medical decisions, tools derived from an unexpectedly
varied range of disciplines
— Practical and specific countermeasures to the influences facilitating poor medical decisions
— Numerous medical examples that are familiar and relatable
— Clear writing style and economy of expression appealing to busy practicing clinicians
— Suitability for medical students as curriculum-required reading
— Resistance to datedness due to its methodological character
— Carefully chosen suggestions for future reading


The book uniquely synthesizes experimental research and methods from diverse fields including perceptual psychology, cognitive psychology, illusion management, experimental design, medication testing and approval, formal logic, mathematical statistics, and civil law. The book then applies these results specifically to the making of sound medical decisions. No other book, to the author’s knowledge, brings such a wide range of substantiated tools to problems of unsound, unsafe medical decisions.